Books by Author, Heather A. Kendall

A Tale of Two Kingdoms

This book traces the development of God's plan of salvation through Jesus, the promised Seed, from its beginning to its triumphant end in the new heaven and new earth. Although Satan tried to thwart God's plan, he could never succeed.


God's Unfolding Story of Salvation

Studying small portions of Scripture is worthwhile and necessary. Nevertheless some of the first steps of discipleship after salvation should be understanding the big picture in the Bible. This Bible study teaches believers that Christ is the center of the biblical storyline.


One Greater Than Satan

This Bible study emphasizes how King Jesus displays his soverignty and greater power over Satan. Neither people or Satan can ever prevent God from carrying out his will.


Crown Jesus, King of Glory

The Gospel of Matthew became the bridge between the Old & New Testaments and between the Old & New Covenants. This Bible study delves into how Jesus fulfilled God's promises through his life, death, resurrection, and ascension.


One Greater Than Moses

New Covenant Theology (NCT) explains how the Old and New Testaments fit together. New Covenant theologians believe the Bible to be one long upward progressive storyline from the fall of man to the consummation in the new heavens and new earth. This book documents the historical development of the NCT movement through "stories of real people as they wrestled with their own understanding and sometimes with one another in an attempt to be faithful to God's precious Word" (Dr. Larry E. McCall, Pastor, Christ's Covenant Church, Winona Lake Indiana).


Un conte de deux royaumes

L’auteure expose le déroulement de l’histoire biblique en suivant les traces du conflit existant entre le royaume de Christ et celui de Satan.
